How Pueraria Mirifica Capsules Work To Eliminate Uncomfortable Menopause Symptoms?

Also known as “Kwao Krua” or “Thai Kudzu”, Pueraria Mirifica is a plant that is native to Burma and Thailand. It is known for its anti-ageing qualities, bone protection, breast enhancement results and for reducing the uncomfortable menopausal symptoms. 

The Pueraria Mirifica capsules contain the compounds which act as phytoestrogens which in turn mimic the results provided by female estrogens. The phytoestrogens found in Pueraria Mirifica roots are categorized into three main categories which are: 

- Isoflavonoids
- Coumestrans
- Chromenes

The phytoestrogens named Miroestrol and deoxymiroestrol play an important role in restoring vaginal tissues and providing and eliminating menopause-related problems like hot flashes, frustration, vaginal dryness, irregular period, sleep disorders and more. 

How does it work to eliminate the menopause symptoms?
Pueraria Mirifica binds with the specific tissues and maintains a balance of the estrogen levels, without making any negative impact on the other cells. For instance, the miroestrol occupies the estrogen receptors in a safe way. In the case estrogen level is high, it will compete with the receptors that weaken the effect of the hormones. And in the case estrogen level is low, it exerts an effect of potentiation. 

According to the scientific studies, Pueraria Mirifica capsules can help improve the menopause symptoms in the following ways:

  • Improves vaginal atrophy:- According to a research carried on the use of Pueraria Mirifica in a university in Thailand, it has been concluded that the herb helps to relieve vaginal dryness, painful intercourse and improve the vaginal atrophy in the postmenopausal women while restoring the atrophic vaginal tissue. 

  • Provides relief from night sweats and hot flashes:- A study was carried out with the sponsorship of the Thailand government where two groups of women were given the different dosage of Pueraria Mirifica. And the results concluded that the hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings and all other urogenital symptoms were reduced among the women who took Pueraria Mirifica supplement. 

  • Reduces bone loss:- Up to 20% of the lifetime bone loss takes place within 5-7 years after the menopause. This occurs due to the low levels of estrogen which makes the bone-building cells less active than the ones which remove the old bones. In simple words, the low levels of estrogen speed up the process of tearing down of old bones and slows down the formation of new ones. 

And the Pueraria Mirifica produces an effect similar to estrogen that not only protects the bone density but also ensures protection against osteoporosis.  
Pueraria Mirifica capsulesPueraria Mirifica capsules
  • Provides support to maintain healthy cholesterol levels:- The phytoestrogens in Pueraria Mirifica activate the estrogen receptor sites and make a positive impact on blood lipid levels. The herb helps to increase the levels of good cholesterol and decrease the levels of bad cholesterol. These effects arise from an increase in the level of estrogen. 

Thus, Pueraria Mirifica capsules and supplements help the people to counterbalance the symptoms of menopause. Also, it helps the younger girls control their monthly cycles and irregularities. It works like a pain treatment and calms your body as well as abdomen by providing relief from cramping pains and monthly soreness. 

Apart from providing relief from menopause symptoms, it improves your body’s ability to fight infections in the long run. 


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