Pueraria Mirifica | Nature's Most Powerful Phytoestrogen


Estrogen hormone functions as a chemical messenger in the female body; It helps women to regulate their menstrual cycle, promotes breast development, healthy bones and a healthy heart. The ovaries release estrogen from puberty till menopause. In addition to this, the ovaries also contain progesterone, which acts to counterbalance the estrogen during the menstrual cycle.

There are many factors that could throw progesterone and estrogen balance off the charts, which could result in hot flashes, decreased libido, weight gain, pain in joints, hair loss and a host of other problems in women. Under such circumstances, the supplements in the form of phytoestrogens can be taken from outside to manage and overcome the deficiency. 

Despite a surge in the sales of phytoestrogen products in the last few years or so, especially those comprising soy phytoestrogens, many studies have indicated that the beneficial effects are too sluggish or pretty moderate. It is so because some of the phytoestrogens function better than others. 

Recent discoveries have shown that the most active and healthy natural phytoestrogen originating naturally from a tropical forest plant in Southeast Asia is known as Pueraria Mirifica aka White Kwao Krua. This herb has been used extensively by males as well as females in Thailand for centuries. The main ingredient in Pueraria Mirifica Supplement is a special phytoestrogen called Miroestrol, which is identical to the best and the safest estriol in humans.

Potent Estrogen Balancer 

Miroestrol compound found in  Pueraria Mirifica is 3000 times stronger than the estrogenic activity of soybean isoflavones (genistein). In addition to Miroestrol, Pueraria Mirifica contains large quantities of other phytoestrogens, including genistein, puerarin, daidzein, and mirificin. 

When Miroestrol reaches an estrogen receptor, it stimulates the effect of the receptor, either by enhancing its results when the estrogenic activity is feeble or by weakening its influence when it is high. Thus, Pueraria Mirifica Supplement is considered as an all-natural and highly potent estrogen balancer, both in the case of estrogen deficiency or dominance.

To buy the highest quality Pueraria Mirifica Supplements, visit us now at https://www.pueraria-mirifica.co.uk/.


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